
Anna Oswaldo Cruz is an Austrian-Brazilian photographer. She was born in The Hague, and grew up in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where she completed her high school education. She began to study chemistry at Brown University, Providence, USA, but after moving to Europe decided to become a photographer and enrolled at the Bayerische Staatslehranstalt für Fotografie in Munich, Germany, where she completed her education in 1990. She then settled in Barcelona, remaining dedicated to her profession.
Anna Oswaldo Cruz has become known first through her portraits of writers, which have been published by various publishing houses, such as Tusquets, Seix Barral, Anagrama, Planeta, Siruela, Muchnik Editores, Grupo 62, Dom Quixote, Random House Mondadori, Kastaniotis Editions, DTV, Klett-Cotta, Hanser Verlag, Librairie Plon, Simon & Shuster, Companhia das Letras, Globo, W11, Corpus Books, among others. Her work was also published at El País, La Vanguardia, El Mundo, Lateral, Que Leer, Jornal do Brasil, Bravo, Berliner Tageszeitung, Newsweek, Der Spiegel, Politiken, among others.
Urban landscapes have become an important theme in her work, most recently with the preparation of a series about the city of Barcelona.
2011 |
March - Solo exhibition “In Situ Barcelona” Arts Santa Mònica, Espai Balcó. |
2010 |
Solo exhibition, Portraits of Writers, Galerie Pap Art, Salzburg, Austria.
Photographic documentation of the new museum at the Keepers House in the Park Güell, for the Museum of the History of Barcelona (MUHBA).
2009 |
Participation in the exhibition “Barcelona Connectada, Ciutadans Transnacionals” in the Museum of the History of Barcelona (MUHBA) with a series about the commercial activities of foreign residents of the city. |
2008 |
Exhibitions in Galería Joan Gaspar, Madrid (group show); Galería Joan Gaspar, Barcelona (group show); Galería Kowasa, Barcelona. |
2004 |
Participation in International Photography Festival of Rome, Brazilian Embassy, Sala Cândido Portinari, Portraits of Writers. |
2002 |
Solo exhibition, Portraits of Writers, FNAC Barcelona.
Solo exhibition, Portraits of Writers, FNAC Madrid. |
2001 |
Solo exhibition, Portraits of Writers, at the libraries Dantes, Argumento and Contracapa. Bienal do Livro, Rio de Janeiro |
1994 |
Handwerksmuseum Deggendorf, “Das Weissbräu-A documentation” Germany. |